The Beaver Men


The Beaver Men – Spearheads of Empire, Second Edition

“A brilliant, dioramic narrative, as vast in scope as the far-flung Great Plains.” – Saturday Review of Literature.

The Beaver Men is beautifully written, pulling in even the casual reader right from the start with a meticulous reconstruction of perhaps the first appearance of white fur hunters in the mid-seventeenth century among the Indians of the Upper Missouri.

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The Beaver Men – Spearheads of Empire. Second Edition

Covering more than two centuries, The Beaver Men recounts the beginning of the beaver trade along the St. Lawrence to the last great rendezvous of traders and trappers on Ham’s Fork, in what is now Wyoming, in 1834.  The Beaver Men is the third in Mari Sandoz’s trilogy of books narrating the history of American west in relation to an animal species.

ISBN: 978-0-8032-2656-2
335 Pages
5 1/2″ x 8 1/4″

University of Nebraska Press, 1978