2015 Articles:
The Mystery of Alfred Jacob Miller’s Portrait of Captain Joseph Reddeford Walker
Questioning the identity of the person whose portrait Miller painted, the image of Joe Walker may not be him at all. By Vic Nathan Barkin
Wolverines in the Fur Trade
Though the beaver was the most sought after animal during the fur trade era, many other creatures were trapped. By Fred Poyner IV
The 1808 Murder Trial of George Drouillard
An in-depth look at an early St. Louis legal case, examining frontier justice using actual court documents. By Melissa Tiffie
Exploring Rocky Mountain Trapper Productivity
Attempts to quantify beaver trapping, searching to discover how many pelts a mountaineer might reasonably expect to harvest in a twelve month period. By Jim Hardee
Blackfeet Peacemaker: The Search for Nicholas Small Robe
The search for the Piegan man who urged peaceful trade with neighboring tribes as well as with trappers. By George Capps
Jim Bridger Challenges the HBC in the post-Rendezvous Era
A study of fur trade competition in the 1840s, utilizing important documents recently discovered in the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. By Jerry Enzler
Archibald Pelton, Mad Man on the Mountains
The tragic tale of a young mountaineer and contemporary of Andrew Henry, Manuel Lisa, and Wilson Price Hunt. By Larry E. Morris