2020 Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, Volume 14


The Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, Volume 14

An annual academic peer-reviewed publication intended to further the knowledge and discussion of the Rocky Mountain fur trade era and provide an avenue for researchers to showcase their work.

Full color, perfect bound, 8″ x 11″, softback, 124 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9973143-5-9

Journal is provided FREE with a purchase of an annual membership!!!  Click here to purchase a membership now!




2020 Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, Volume 14

Philip Covington,
A Year in the Mountains, 1827-28
by Scott Walker and Jim Hardee
An account of a year spent in the Rocky Mountains written by Phillip Covington, who attended the second Bear Lake Rendezvous in 1828.

Robert Campbell’s 1832 Rendezvous Financial Journal
by Clay J. Landry
The author uses Robert Campbell’s exceptionally detailed records of an 1832 rendezvous outfit to examine both merchandise and mountain markup.

The “Beaver” Hat of the Rendezvous
by Arlaina Goddard
Period accounts of the hatter’s trade, along with medical studies of the industry, are used to show the truth about hats, hatters and hat making during the 1820s – 1840s it is more complicated than generally thought.

Stereotypes of Rocky Mountain Trappers and Traders Revisited
by William R. Swagerty
The author traces stereotypes of the mountain men from the 1830s to the present, and proposes a research-based way to characterize them based on a statistical analysis of known mountaineer biographies.

Sublette County Historical Society, 2020