Tidings from the 18th Century


Tidings from the 18th Century

Mistress Gilgun’s first-person narrative is as informative as it is entertaining. Her “letters” reflect years of research and personal experience from her living history portrayal of a goodwife and seamstress of the 18th century. Early American enthusiasts will love the wealth of information gathered here under one cover.

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Tidings from the 18th Century

Beth Gilgun’s work gives readers the information, background, patterns and techniques to recreate the Colonial American lifestyle. Patterns and instructions for making clothing for the whole family, as other skills such as cooking and brewing, basketmaking, dyeing, making soap and candles, and 18th century needlework are some of the topics covered.

Written in the form of letters to fictional friend on the frontier, Mistress Gilgun shares information on all aspects of Colonial life. In her “letters,” she passes on news and information covering the skills and activities of daily life in 18th century America, as well as entertaining details about the latest fashions and word of goods newly available in the East Coast markets.

ISBN: 1-880655-04-7
277 Pages
8 1/2″ x 10 3/4″

Scurlock Publishing Co., 1993

Additional information

Weight 1.12 oz