Every Fixed Star


Based on a True Story

Following a family tragedy, a battle for survival, and a test of faith, Marie Dorion begins again in the rugged northwest landscape known as the Okanogan settlement. By 1814, the Astor expedition she had joined to cross the Rocky Mountains has disintegrated.

Her desire was to have a life worth living. Her Hope was to survive.

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New trials confront Marie: an abrupt ending to love, separation from friends, the disappearance of one child, a puzzling, painful division from another. Through it all, she struggles to know her purpose and worth. What could this God of the stars care for the survival of a mere woman? Fed by memories of her distant friend, Sacagawea, Marie discovers that inside every challenge is a gift to be treasured.

ISBN: 978-1-57856-500-9
422 Pages
5 1/2″ x 8 1/4″

Waterbrook, 2003

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