Mountain Men – The History of Fur Trapping – Coloring Book
Travel back in time to explore the wilderness with American Trappers. Whatever their fate, all of the men had answered the siren call of the Western frontier, drawn to its shining mountains in search of a small fur-laden animal known as Castor canadensis, the North American beaver.
Mountain Men – The History of Fur Trapping – Coloring Book
Follow in the footsteps of frontiersmen as they seek their fortunes during the early nineteenth century in beaver-rich trapping grounds across North America. Thirty illustrations to color depict Manuel Lisa, Jedediah Strong Smith, and other intrepid trappers and their trade, including their tools and weapons as well as their encounters with explorers and both hostile and friendly Indians.
ISBN: 978-0-486-79968-1
30 Pages
8 1/8″ x 10 7/8″
Dover Publications, 2015