Sacajawea – Guide and Interpreter of Lewis and Clark


This book is enhanced with 21 illustrations, including a map and appendices containing testimonies by Indian agents, missionaries, teachers, and Shoshone people, this often inspirational study and historical argument for Sacajawea’s later years throws a unique light on the life and deeds of a true Native American heroine. It also reveals the real reason Sacajawea left her husband, discloses the true meaning of her name, makes a case for her “lost years” among the Comanches, and furnishes much other data.

SKU: 244 Category:


Known to schoolchildren as the woman who guided Lewis and Clark through the wilderness to the American Northwest, Sacajawea is a figure of fascinating historical interest. The sister of a Shoshone chief kidnapped by enemy tribesmen, she married a French trader, became a mother, and joined the Lewis and Clark expedition all while she was still a teenager. This book tells the story of this remarkable woman who attempts to assess her rightful place in the history of American Exploration.

ISBN – 978-0-486-42149-0

336 Pages

Dover Publications, 2002