Published by Museum of the Mountain Man – 2005
Hardback with dust cover, 442 pages, 570 pictures, 11 x 8-1/2 inches, weight 5 lbs
Limited Edition – 2000 Copies
ISBN: 0976811308
The Museum of the Mountain Man and historian Ann Noble proudly announce the publication of, “Pinedale, Wyoming: A Centennial History, 1904 – 2004.” A full-color, limited edition of just 2,000 copies, the book is full of photos and detailed information about how Pinedale was founded, grew and thrived – not just as a town, but as a community.
Published by Museum of the Mountain Man – 2005
Hardback with dust cover, 442 pages, 570 pictures, 11 x 8-1/2 inches, weight 5 lbs
Limited Edition – 2000 Copies
ISBN: 0-9768113-0-8
The Museum of the Mountain Man and historian Ann Noble proudly announce the publication of, “Pinedale, Wyoming: A Centennial History, 1904 – 2004.” A full-color, limited edition of just 2,000 copies, the book is full of photos and detailed information about how Pinedale was founded, grew and thrived – not just as a town, but as a community.
Local historian, Ann Noble, has spent the past three years researching Pinedale history for the book, which is sponsored by the Sublette County Historical Society/Museum of the Mountain Man. The book is 442 pages, done in full color. There are 570 graphics and photographs of people and places all through Pinedale history, many from private collections never before made public.
Noble used many sources for her book research. The spent countless hours reading through the early editions of the Pinedale Roundup newspaper rom 1904 to present. She had many in-depth personal conversations with long-time Pinedale Residents, as well as utilized the oral history collections and resources of the Sublette County Historical Society. She also obtained a lot of material from the records of the early Town of Pinedale Council meeting minutes. In addition, Noble obtained information from the American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming Archives, the Wyoming State Archives in Cheyenne, the Sublette Examiner newspaper and many extensive interviews.
Here are excerpts from the table of contents of the new Pinedale book:
- Chapters on each decade from 1904-2004.
- Early Pinedale founding.
- Prominent Pinedale residents and contributions.
- Hundreds of photographs of people and places all through Pinedale history, many from private collections never before made public. Reprints of early Pinedale Roundup newspaper articles and advertisements. 570 photographs and graphics! Many in color!
- History behind many local place and street names.
- Wagon Wheel Project.
- Pinedale school history.
- Early history of White Pine ski hill.
- War Times and Pinedale citizens who went to war.
- Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Fremont at Fremont Lake.
- Camp Fire Girls.
- Churches.
- Preschools.
Layout and design for the book was done by Sue Sommers, of WRWS Design. Sommers has worked with the Museum of the Mountain Man on two other books, “The Fur Trade & Rendezvous of the Green River Valley”, and “Memories of Kendall Valley” by Richard Hecox.