Tools & Utensils of the Fur Trade


The Encyclopedia of Trade Goods

Volume 3 – Tools & Utensils of the Fur Trade

SKU: 1725 Category:


This third volume is 462 pages long and contains 600 illustrations, most in color. This book contains chapters covering: axes, knives, kettles and cookware, traps, fishing gear, wood working tools, horse equipment, optics, smoking pipes and paraphernalia, sewing tools including needles and scissors, tanning equipment, hoes and other agricultural tools, grooming items including combs and mirrors, and much, much more!

It represents over 60 years of research in Europe and North America. These books have each received national awards as the best references published in the United States.

– Museum of the Fur Trade

ISBN – 978-0-912611-20-4

Museum of the Fur Trade, 2019